Thursday, March 22, 2012

There's a Celebrity in our Midst

She is far too modest to tell you this herself, but our own Mrs. Colligan is prominently featured on the College Board's fancy new website, bigfuture.

That's right- Mrs. Colligan is so well known in the admissions and college counseling world that College Board interviewed her and posted her advice on their site for college bound students. You are lucky enough to have access to her every day, but millions of others will have to make due with quick sound bits of her advice. We are bursting with pride around here!

Here she is, under a section titled EXPERT Q AND A, asnwering a question about how to begin the college search process:

Published by TSM

Monday, March 19, 2012

Gorbachev at Lafayette

This is the title of a recent mailing that made its way to my inbox. I've mentioned a few dozen times that we receive lots and lots of mail here in College Counseling. Newsletters, brochures, letters, and updates from colleges come to the office on a regular basis. This recent mailing from Lafayette College caught my attention because of the image of Mikhail Gorbachev on the front cover. That's hard to miss in an inbox full of images of smiling undergraduates on sunny campuses! Clearly the brochure was meant to be attention grabbing and it worked. I was excited to learn about Lafayette's new Oechsle Center for Global Education and was interested to read the transcription of Mr. Gorbachev's October 2011 address, which marked the creation of this new center. "Interdisciplinary in its orientation and innovative in its approach to learning and to global citizenship and service, [The Oechsle Center] will include state-of-the-art instructional facilities, formal and informal meeting spaces, and offices for faculty members whose teaching and research interests advance the center's mission."

I am VERY impressed. For more details about the Oechsle Center and Gorbachev's speech, go here!

Published by: TSM

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jesuit College Fair Tomorrow!

Usually we have to beg, bribe, and practically drag the junior class away from their savory lunches to the annual Jesuit College Fair that travels to Visitation in March. We know that this year will be different! The Class of 2013 has embraced the college process with more vigor and excitment than any class we can recall and so we shouldn't even have to remind you that we will host a mini college fair of excellent Jesuit colleges tomorrow March 8th during lunch in the Heritage Room (second floor of Founders).
You all will probably be lined up by third period. Or camping out tonight.
See you there!
Published by TSM