I've been getting ready for Christmas (nothing like the excitment of my four year old as she waits for Santa- pictured here) and I've been receiving more than a few emails of the following nature:
1) Why aren't my school forms for FILL IN THE BLANK SCHOOL DUE JANUARY 15th completed?
2) I got in to X!
3) I didn't get into X!
4) I thought I submitted my application but I just realized it didn't actually submit it. What do I do?
Items number 1 and number 4 make me feel like making announcements at class meetings and sending you guys emails is futile. Please remember that we have submitted credentials for applications due through January 5th. Everything else will go out the first week we are back. There are reasons for this! A lot of conditions have to be met before we can send out apps (teacher forms need to be completed and you need to have the common app school on your list are two examples) AND past experience has shown us that over the holidays, many seniors take schools off their lists. Either they burn out of all the writing and submitting or they get in somewhere that makes them happy and the list becomes a lot shorter. So, we wait until the first week we are back for those later January applications to be ready to go and make sure they haven't been crossed off the list. For item number 4, you will need to contact the college directly and find out what to do. Please be careful when submitting apps!
For those of you who have received acceptances, Congratulations!!! It's such a nice early Christmas present and we hope it takes some pressure off and puts the irrational fear of "will I get in anywhere?" in it's place! One of my previous students told me that she had a recurring nightmare about being stuck in AP Calculus FOREVER because she didn't get into college. Yikes!
If you haven't received an acceptance and aren't expecting anymore news until the spring, try to hang in there. I know it feels like everyone has good news, but in truth it's usually about half of the class that has received an acceptance by Christmas (we haven't looked at the numbers yet this year). I know, I know - you would much better be in the half that it is IN. But I promise you that just as surely as Easter, spring rain, and incredible humidity the first week of June that makes us all fret over how hot your graduation ceremony will be (just as long as it doesn't rain! will be said again and again) comes every year, so will your acceptances. It's as certain as Mr. Kerns in his red jacket for the first fire drill of the year. And so, if you are fretting, try to put it out of your head and enjoy the last Christmas for most of you that you will be a permanent fixture in your home as opposed to being a visitor for a few weeks before you go back to your "new home." Wherever that is! Merry Christmas everyone!
Published by TSM