Monday, January 24, 2011

And so it begins

Well, hello juniors. We first welcomed you to Life After Visi here:

but that was in honor of our Junior Parent Night and we are just now getting around to meeting you in person! Junior college counseling groups began last week and, while second semester lacks the same wide awake back to school energy that September does, we hope you are excited to begin the college process. Okay, maybe "excited" is the wrong word. How about...curious?eager?ready? Maybe we should settle for "a college counseling class is better than a root canal."

In all seriousness, our goal is not to add pressure or to add one more thing to add to your "to do" list. Our aim is to teach you everything you need to know about the process and how to find your dream school. That way, when you come back to see us next September, you just have to fill out some forms and write a few essays (do I hear snickering from the senior lodge?). I think that second semester junior year is truly the best part of the college process. There are no looming deadlines and no decisions that have to be made right this second. Think of it as an extended shopping excursion. I know that you have logged hours searching the internet for the perfect dress or pair of shoes. Now is the time to shop for the perfect college! We can't wait to help you.

Published by: TSM

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