Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Do You Turn Down A College?

It's a delicate dance isn't it? Many seniors have been coming up this week to ask us about the polite way to tell a college that has accepted them, "thanks, but no thanks." Unlike when you are accepted to a college Early Decision in the fall and you have other active applications in at other schools, and you must withdraw immediately for fear of being viewed as a two timing violator of the ED Agreement, you don't actually have to do anything right now. Colleges are aware that many students receive multiple acceptances and they will assume you will not be attending their school if they do not receive your deposit by May 1. If a college has given you a quick and easy way to let them know you will not be attending (a postcard, a web link, etc.) it's a nice gesture to go ahead and let them know when you've decided to go elsewhere. Otherwise, you really don't need to worry about it. In the old days when students applied to only a few colleges and there weren't 67,000 pieces of paper and 21,000 emails clogging up the admissions offices' mail rooms and inboxes, we would suggest you write a nice note. These days, your nice letter is unlikely to be read and processed before Labor Day. So, while it may feel strange not to break up with a college in a timely fashion, they will move on without you come May 2.

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