Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Clare Foley, Class of 2012, on life at Holy Cross!

The lovely Clare Foley came to visit her old stomping grounds today and tell us all about life at the College of the Holy Cross. Here are some highlights of my "interview" with her.

What is the best thing about college?
Not having to wake up early! Clare's earliest class (Chemistry) begins at 8:00 a.m. She sets her alarm for 7:20 to make it on time. That's a lot later than she got up for first period at Visi.

But I miss________________ about Visi.
The uniform! Apparently it is not fun to assemble an outfit for class everyday. She also spoke fondly of the wonderful Mrs. Elliott, who prepared her well for college Calculus. Clare mentioned that topics Mrs. Elliott spent an entire hour explaining are covered in about ten minutes in her college Calculus class. And nearly everyone who is her Calculus class took it in high school as well. And it's still very hard!

What do Holy Cross ladies wear to class?
It's a mixed bag. They wear everything from yoga pants and sweatshirts to dresses. It is clear that some people spend quite a bit of time on their appearance everday and Clare finds that "people usually look better by the later afternoon classes."

What classes are you taking this semester?
Chemistry and Calculus (both required courses since Clare is working on the pre-health curriculum) as well as Spanish and a required First Year Humanities Seminar.

Hardest Class?
Chemistry (and it's also her largest class, with 64 students enrolled).

Favorite Class?

What are you involved in?
The Steering Committee for the annual Dance Marathon (an event that raises money for Pediatric AIDS research)
The Inter-House Council - Claire is the secretary for her dorm and works to plan residential life activities throughout the year.
Admissions - Clare is a greeter in the admissions office, where she meets with parents and students before the official admissions programming
Part-time job - Clare works in the dining hall
SPUD - Clare tutors elementary school students in a local school on a weekly basis.

What do Holy Cross students do on the weekends?
There's always a lot going on - football games and tons of events on campus as well as parties off campus and the occasional trip to Boston.

Advice for seniors?
Don't stress! Enjoy your friends - it's easy to take them for granted right now but you will miss them next year! Slow down and enjoy all the traditions and wonderful things about life at Visi.

Thanks to Clare for spending time with me today and agreeing to be profiled on Life After Visi. She would love to hear from any seniors who have questions or are interested in Holy Cross. Ask your college counselor for her contact information!

Published by: TSM

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