Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quick Question

I LOVE quick questions. I think my favorite is, "What is Visitation's CEEB code?" The best part of being a counselor -the whole raison d'etre for most of us in the counseling profession really - is to be helpful. We try to be available to you as much as possible in person and via email - and, starting this year, via the blog and twitter. But! This is my ninth year and somewhere along the line - I can't put my finger on when, exactly - I noticed that there were fewer students in my doorway and more students in my inbox. Don't get me wrong; I'm all for efficiency but there are some questions that are best answered and discussed the old fashioned way. Such as...

1) When should I take my SAT/ACT/Subject Tests this fall?

2) Which tests should I send to my colleges?

3) Could you look at my list and tell me my chances?

4) I'm having FILL IN THE BLANK issue with my Common Application. What should I do? (Since we can't see exactly what you are looking at when you are logged in to your Common App account, we prefer that you stop in and log in to your account with us so we can look at it together).

5) Can I drop Calculus?

It IS lovely to communicate the following over email:

1) Can I meet you third period tomorrow?

2) Here is my essay - could you take a look? (NOTE: when you email an essay draft, please then make an appointment to discuss it. It's really hard to give email feedback on essays.)

3) I visited X college and this is what I thought:


5) Your thoughts on Sue Sylevester's latest antics.

We'll have our calendars posted on the first day of school and, while Fennessey may seem off the beaten path, we hope to see you early and often this fall!

Published by TSM

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Interview with KC Sullivan '09 on College of Wooster

Why did you choose College of Wooster?
The tight-knit campus community. I can’t walk anywhere on campus without running into someone I know. A five minute walk to class turns into a fifteen minute walk by the time you finish talking to all of your friends on the way!

What is the best part about
attending College of Wooster?
All of my professors, past and present, know more than just my name… they know what activities I’m involved in and genuinely care about how I’m doing. It’s not uncommon to call your professor at home for homework help or to go to their house for dinner.

College is better than high school because...
There is so much to do and to get involved in. Take advantage of it and tryout new things!

But I miss not having to decide what to wear everyday about Visi.

What classes are you taking next semester?

Organic Chemistry with Lab, Immunology with Lab, Physics with Lab, nd Maturity & Old Age Psychology

Favorite place on campus?
That’s a tough one. I spend a lot of my time in the Connector – a lounge that connects the Biology and Chemistry buildings. I love Kauke Arch though because each winter after a big snowstorm, everyone on campus comes together to fill it completely with snow. And if we succeed, we don’t have classes the next day!

What fun stuff is there to do off campus?:
The town of Wooster is really cute and there are a bunch of mom-and-pop shops. Broken Rocks Café (bistro style) and Matsos (Greek) are two of my favorite restaurants in town. As a small Midwestern town, we have an undeniable love for Walmart, but if you’re looking for “real” shopping options the Lodi Outlet Mall is only 20 minutes away.

What do you wear to class?
Jeans and a t-shirt/sweatshirt – everyone’s pretty casual and laid back. Occasionally I’ll wear a dress or skirt if I am giving a presentation or going to a council meeting.

Best thing about having boys around?
They are great to study with because they like to get their homework done as soon as possible so that they can spend the rest of the night going to sports practices, playing video games, sleeping, etc. I find that when I study with my other (female) friends, I usually get distracted and wrapped into irrelevant conversations while I should really be doing work.

Worst thing about having boys around?

I’m living on a co-ed floor this year and the boys’ wing has a terrible odor that is slowly making its way to my side of the hall.

Anything else you want Visi girls to know about Wooster?

Wooster, like Visitation, has a lot of fun traditions and it sets us apart from the majority of other liberal arts colleges. I mentioned filling the arch, but what other school has a highly respected (and really cool!) bagpipe band & marching band that dresses in Scottish MacLeod plaid kilts? Or where seniors are rewarded with a Tootsie Roll and button after turning in their Independent Study projects? COW is pretty unique, but everyone here really loves it and is proud to be a Fighting Scot!

If you want to get in touch with K.C. ask your college counselor for her contact info. Thanks K.C.!!
Published by KMH

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

But I heard that...

As our meetings with you get underway, it has been great to hear about all of the exciting summer adventures you’ve had! Rebuilding homes in New Orleans, traveling to France to experience the culture, internships at area museums, research opportunities at NIH, lifeguarding or coaching the swim team at your local pool, enjoying vacation time with family and friends, and much more! However, when the updates turn to talk of The. College. List., there is a phrase that I have come to dread. It goes something like this: “But I heard that no one was accepted to that school last year because they don’t like Visitation students.” or “But I heard that everyone should apply at the early action deadline because if you wait until regular decision, all the spots will be taken.” Or “But I heard that someone last year got accepted into the school of their dreams because they were the next Beethoven of the cowbells – so should I start taking lessons?” No, you should not start taking lessons!

There is a lot of mythology, urban lore, and just plain misinformation out there about the college process. It’s like playing Operator. Do you remember that game from when you were a kid? One person whispers a random phrase to the person next to them and then it travels down the line until “I love the TV show Glee!” becomes “Olly olly oxen free!” or something like that - you see what I’m saying. People are worried that they are missing some crucial piece of information. Everyone is hoping for a little known strategy or secret weapon that will give them a leg up in the process. But you don’t need any gimmicks; you are smart, talented, well rounded students who will listen to your college counselor’s advice (right?) and work to create that well balanced list with a variety of options so that you will have great choices this spring.

So, please try to drown out the frenetic noise of the media, neighbors, and even well-meaning friends - no matter how well intentioned their advice is - it ultimately just ratchets up the stress. The college process is different for everyone – and lucky for you – Team Fennessey is at the ready to help address your questions and concerns in a way that makes the most sense for you as an individual. We are also ready for the new season of Glee, but that’s a different story!

Published by KMH

Friday, August 20, 2010

Interview with Meg Schumm '09 about Ithaca College

Why did you choose Ithaca?
I chose to go to Ithaca because they have an amazing communications department. One of the things I really liked when I visited was that Ithaca offers classes in pretty much anything you want to take, and their loose core curriculum lets you explore interesting subject materials (like the LEGO robotics class I took last semester!).

What are your favorite things about Ithaca?

I like how friendly and open the professors are. They really care about you. Also, because Ithaca has strong programs in so many different disciplines (physical therapy, communications, music, and theater), there are many different kinds of people at the school. It kind of lets you be who you want to be.

College is better than high school because...

College is better than high school because there are so many more classes to choose from. Also, your professors are experts in whatever they're teaching you--from chaos theory to mass communication. And in the classes for your major, your classmates will be enthusiastic and often able to teach you a lot! (Of course, it's also nice to not have parents around 24/7.)

But I miss ___________ about Visi.

I miss the sense of community and the traditions! And being right in Georgetown. Also, the students at Visitation are truly exceptional. ...But we already knew that, didn't we?

What classes are you taking next semester?

Uhh, let me think. I'm taking Screenwriting, Introduction to Philosophy, Logic, Media Aesthetics and Analysis, the Literature of Horror (We read/analyze horror novels--King, Poe, Mary Shelley), and Theater Production.
My major is television-radio with a concentration in Screenwriting, and I'm shopping around for a second major.

Favorite place on campus?

We have this giant statue that's supposed to resemble a fish in the middle of campus. It's surrounded by these low concrete walls, and it's a great place to chill with friends, people watch, or nap between classes.

Fun things to do off campus?

I really like the independent movie theater in the middle of town, Cinemopolis. They have cool films and they serve their popcorn with real butter! There are a ton of restaurants around town, but I probably go to Collegetown Bagels the most. They have the best bagels (I get sesame with cream cheese and lox.) Also, we have this new restaurant called Waffle Frolic that's open till 3 AM and serves every kind of waffle ever. It's seriously delicious.

Visi girls always want to know...what do you wear to class?

People wear pretty much anything to class. I know a kid who wore a cape and a tie on the first day last semester and pronounced himself a tax wizard. But seriously, most people wear jeans around campus. Pajamas are rare but not unheard of. Things like sundresses and shorts don't tend to come out until after Spring break--before then it's too COLD.

Best and worst thing about having boys around?

The best thing about having boys around is being able to have another perspective. And someone to watch dumb movies with. The worst thing about having boys around is that a lot of girls tend not to speak up in class.

Anything else we should have asked?

Um, not really! Ithaca can be a great place if you just give it a shot. The weather is probably the biggest detractor from the school--if you need sunshine and 75 degrees to be happy, you might be in trouble.

If you are interested in getting in touch with Meg, contact your college counselor for her contact info. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions Meg!!!!!

Published by TSM

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why You Should Not Apply To College....Yet

You have probably noticed that Team Fennessey loves deadlines, lives by the calendars posted outside of our doors, and strongly encourages you to plan ahead and start early. After all, we made you do the Common Application last April (didn't this all seem SO far away then?)! And yet. It's only August and every year at this time we meet with seniors who would like to submit their applications Right Now. Whether this is because you just want to "get it over with" or the notion that the first to apply is the first to be admitted, we would like to offer some reasons why, in our experience, you may want to use restraint in hitting the send button.
1) Classes have not begun yet. Most applications ask you to list your senior courses and sometimes you change your mind. It would be a shame to apply now and then have to send a note that you decided to drop AP Physics. Or be stuck in AP Physics all year because you don't want to send a note explaining why you dropped it.
2) Most of you will take the SAT, ACT, or Subject tests this fall. There's a good chance you would like your colleges to see those scores. If a school has rolling admissions and you apply before you take those tests, they may make a decision using only your spring scores.
3) Even if you love your college essay right this second, we are guessing that you will have some edits in a month or so.
4) We like to send a school recommendation and school profile with every application (even if they are not required). It is hard to complete your recommendation letter without seeing you again and hearing about your summer, your new thoughts on majors...career...life plans. And again, we would like to know that you like your senior classes before we send off a transcript with information that may change.
Please don't read this and tell your parents that we told you not worry about college applications! Just relax - for the moment - about submitting them. Let's talk about it first. And work on those essays. "Slow down, you crazy child" - bonus points if you can remember what exciting junior class event featured these song lyrics. Try to keep them in mind this year.
Published by TSM

We Are Back!

It's VERY warm in Fennessey - no central AC and our window units are working hard! If you have emailed or called us over the summer only to abruptly receive an "out of office until August 18th" response - the day has come. We are officially open for business!!!! There is a LOT of email and actual mail to read, organize, and answer but our main purpose in arriving back to campus weeks (not that we are counting) before school actually begins is to meet with you. So...make an appointment if you are in town and have an hour to spare. Just email us to check availability. And did I mention the how warm our offices are? Bring a bottled water to stay hydrated!
Published by TSM