1) When should I take my SAT/ACT/Subject Tests this fall?
2) Which tests should I send to my colleges?
3) Could you look at my list and tell me my chances?
4) I'm having FILL IN THE BLANK issue with my Common Application. What should I do? (Since we can't see exactly what you are looking at when you are logged in to your Common App account, we prefer that you stop in and log in to your account with us so we can look at it together).
5) Can I drop Calculus?
It IS lovely to communicate the following over email:
1) Can I meet you third period tomorrow?
2) Here is my essay - could you take a look? (NOTE: when you email an essay draft, please then make an appointment to discuss it. It's really hard to give email feedback on essays.)
3) I visited X college and this is what I thought:
5) Your thoughts on Sue Sylevester's latest antics.
We'll have our calendars posted on the first day of school and, while Fennessey may seem off the beaten path, we hope to see you early and often this fall!
Published by TSM
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