The tight-knit campus community. I can’t walk anywhere on campus without running into someone I know. A five minute walk to class turns into a fifteen minute walk by the time you finish talking to all of your friends on the way!
What is the best part about
attending College of Wooster?
All of my professors, past and present, know more than just my name… they know what activities I’m involved in and genuinely care about how I’m doing. It’s not uncommon to call your professor at home for homework help or to go to their house for dinner.
There is so much to do and to get involved in. Take advantage of it and tryout new things!
But I miss not having to decide what to wear everyday about Visi.
What classes are you taking next semester?
Organic Chemistry with Lab, Immunology with Lab, Physics with Lab, nd Maturity & Old Age Psychology
Favorite place on campus?
That’s a tough one. I spend a lot of my time in the Connector – a lounge that connects the Biology and Chemistry buildings. I love Kauke Arch though because each winter after a big snowstorm, everyone on campus comes together to fill it completely with snow. And if we succeed, we don’t have classes the next day!
What fun stuff is there to do off campus?:
The town of Wooster is really cute and there are a bunch of mom-and-pop shops. Broken Rocks Café (bistro style) and Matsos (Greek) are two of my favorite restaurants in town. As a small Midwestern town, we have an undeniable love for Walmart, but if you’re looking for “real” shopping options the Lodi Outlet Mall is only 20 minutes away.
What do you wear to class?
Jeans and a t-shirt/sweatshirt – everyone’s pretty casual and laid back. Occasionally I’ll wear a dress or skirt if I am giving a presentation or going to a council meeting.
Best thing about having boys around?
They are great to study with because they like to get their homework done as soon as possible so that they can spend the rest of the night going to sports practices, playing video games, sleeping, etc. I find that when I study with my other (female) friends, I usually get distracted and wrapped into irrelevant conversations while I should really be doing work.
Worst thing about having boys around?
I’m living on a co-ed floor this year and the boys’ wing has a terrible odor that is slowly making its way to my side of the hall.
Anything else you want Visi girls to know about Wooster?
Wooster, like Visitation, has a lot of fun traditions and it sets us apart from the majority of other liberal arts colleges. I mentioned filling the arch, but what other school has a highly respected (and really cool!) bagpipe band & marching band that dresses in Scottish MacLeod plaid kilts? Or where seniors are rewarded with a Tootsie Roll and button after turning in their Independent Study projects? COW is pretty unique, but everyone here really loves it and is proud to be a Fighting Scot!
If you want to get in touch with K.C. ask your college counselor for her contact info. Thanks K.C.!!
Published by KMH
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