Why I chose Columbia: I always knew I wanted to go to an Ivy League university, but I had no idea which one was right for me. So I did a lot of research. I looked at the Alumni that attended Columbia University and the location of the school and I feel in love with it. I really loved that it was located in the heart of New York City, Manhattan. I also loved the school when I visited. The people were all cool and laid back.The atmosphere was lively and everyone was so different. Being an African American student I wanted to go to a school that was extremely diverse and Columbia is number one in diversity amongst the Ivy League schools, with a great population of international students. But one of the most important reasons for why I chose Columbia is because they had my major, Neuroscience and a strong pre-med program.
What I like about Columbia: I love the people. I have met some outstanding people and some long time friends. It is so culturally diverse which I love. It's in the city so there is always something to do and never a dull moment. I love that the people here are willing to help you out when you need it and you can go to your professors as well as your TA's for help whenever you need it.
College is better than high school because: You have the freedom to do as you please and while this can be your downfall it can also help teach you many life lessons. I have been able to make mistakes and learn from them on my own. Also there is no one defining who you are so you're free to be whoever you chose to be. I had the opportunity to try new things from joining more clubs to taking part in more activities then I could have during high school. There is something for everyone in college. As far as the classes go I feel that college is better because you're not competing against everyone else, you're competing against yourself. I try so hard to not worry about what other people are getting and to just focus on doing MY best because that is the only way I will be happy with the grades I have.
But I miss ___________ about Visi: Honestly I miss the support system that I had at Visi. From Mrs. Clay to Ms. Hosmer and my teachers, I have not had anything even come close to any of them. College can be a difficult place to navigate and much of this will come from not having people like them to fall back on. For example I can't go to Mrs. Clay's office and just sit there and tell her my problems from school to my personal life. This helps you grow also because I had to learn to stand on my own without always relying on other people, but it is hard. I really miss the family that Visi is and the nuns that would be so compassionate and loving. The Visi family was not duplicated for me in college and that is something that I truly miss.
Classes I am taking next semester: I am pre-med and a neuroscience and behavior major so most of my classes consist of pre-med classes and classes for my major, but Columbia also has a strong core curriculum so there are classes that I am required to take. So with that being said my classes for next semester are Physics, Physics Lab, Biology, Psychology class, Contemporary Civilization, and Major Debates. The first three classes are for pre-med and my major the follow two are for the core curriculum. This is a pretty heavy load for me especially since I work and I'm involved in a few extracurriculars as well. Time management is not a joke in college.
Favorite place on campus: I love low steps on a nice day, when there are tons of people out there on the lawns and the steps just relaxing and having fun. It's great!!
Stuff to do off campus: Phelio Yogurt formally known as yogurtland I loved that place, Times Square (the chaos is great), Brooklyn Bridge (saw the fireworks there on 4th of July it so beautiful and very romantic, best ice cream and pizza places are located near the bridge), Harlem Magic Johnson Theater (I get discount student tickets and it very close to campus so convenient walk), Soho (for your shopping craving), 72nd street and Lincoln Center (great area with lots of shops), Union Square (is awesome with some of the most interesting people and amazing painters and artist), and lastly New York City (the entire place is a playground).
What do you wear to class? I love trying new styles and experimenting with new looks everyday so I never wore sweats to class, but that's just me. If I'm really tired though I'd put on a cardigan. t-shirt, and jeans.
Best and worst thing about having boys around: Best thing is you can hangout with them and they become some of your best friends. They also give a different perspective on many things from topics in class to just life in general. The worst thing is keeping up appearances. It's normal to take a second look at yourself in the mirror before you step out just to make sure you look okay.
Anything else you think the girls should know or we should have asked: It's important that you girls realize what you're there for at the end of the day and that is to get an education. There are so many thing that can get in the way when you're in college, boys, extracurriculars, having an active social life, but at the end of the day your grades matter and that is something that even I am continue to learn. Another thing is knowing that you should be yourself in college. The pressure that you may have had in high school is amplified by triple the amount so stay true to yourself because everyone is different and you don't have to be someone you're not because you'll always find friends that have something in common with you. But on the topic of friends, chose them wisely - very wisely! Don't feel like you need to cling to someone that you don't get along with - branch out - there are so many people you can meet in college so go out there and meet them. Build connections with professors that you like because most likely you'll need them to speak on your behalf at some point in the future i.e. recommendations.
Published by KMH
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