Wofford has about 1500 students enrolled - and is growing. They pull in a large percentage of their population from South Carolina but 40% of its students enroll from out of state. They offer a unique January Interim program that allows students to earn credit while participating in experiential, real-world learning via internships, study abroad, guided research projects and service learning opporunities. One thing that Jenni Lister wished that everyone knew about Wofford is that they send at least 3 students each year to The Aspen Institute – a prestigious leadership opportunity. When describing the co-curricular programs, Jenni mentioned a short video created last year that is set to Montell Jordan’s “This is How We Do It” that captures some of the fun-loving nature of the school.
Here are some other excerpts from our “five minute interview":
This or That about your school…
Dining Hall or Eat off Campus: Eat off campus
Dress Up for Class or Wear Sweatpants: (without any hesitation) - Wear Sweatpants
Starbucks or Local Coffeehouse: There is a Starbucks right off campus – but the on campus coffee – Java City – is 10 times better!
Students Can Name the Quarterback or “We have a football team?": Students can name the Quarterback – and since we are a small community - are probably good friends with him!
Speakers/Groups who have drawn the biggest crowd on campus:
• Paul Farmer, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine
• Marian Wright Edelman, President and Founder of Children’s Defense Fund
• Jerry Richardson, Owner of the NFL Team - Carolina Panthers
• The Wofford Men’s Basketball Team! – especially for the 2009-2010 Selection Show. One of Wofford’s Alum even sponsored 10 charter buses to help students get to the Round 1 game in Jacksonville to support their team.
So, you just never know where you are going to find a hidden gem of a school – just another excuse to enjoy March Madness! If you’d like to learn more about Wofford College, you can get Jenni Lister’s contact information from your college counselor.
Published by KMH
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